Projects Thoughts About

How I became The Fury

12/30/2022 📘 1 min read

How Alan became The Fury

Funny story… When I joined Circadence two other department heads, Josh Selfe and Clayton Rogers, thought it would be funny to nick name me “The Fury” since my LinkedIn profile picture somewhat resembled Brad Pitt’s character in the movie Fury. They had HR send out my onboarding documents referring to me in several (non-legal) places as “The Fury” which was quite hilarious. From time-to-time, (especially when big decisions were on the line 🤣), I was refered to as “The Fury” which was very enjoyable because I took it to mean I possessed the role and swagger of Nick Fury. 🤩

Originally, my website launched under the domain but the guys told me was better on multiple levels! 😜

The guys are right, life is too short to not be called “The Fury.”

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